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We’re happy to announce the availability of the Portworx Certified Admin (PCA) online training and exam. This course is in addition to the free online Portworx Fundamentals course, which was made available during KubeCon in San Diego last year. This certified admin training is technical and Kubernetes-focused while giving students a deeper look into the advanced concepts of persistent storage and data management with Portworx’s cloud-native storage platform. The training leverages Udemy.com, a global learning platform that is “connecting students all over the world to the best instructors.” Portworx partnered with Mumshad Mannambeth of KodeKloud to deliver superior, instructor-led lectures and labs for students. Mumshad drives some of the best Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) practice and training for students wanting to pass the CKA exam, and this makes a perfect fit for KodeKloud and Portworx to deliver first-rate training for the industry-leading storage platform for Kubernetes.
Both Portworx Fundamentals and Portworx Certified Admin are available as of today. Each of these courses is aimed at the Kubernetes DevOps teams that will be admins of the container orchestration and data management platforms. Portworx Fundamentals is a free course and targets a high level understanding of concepts, while the PCA course delivers more technical detail. Both courses have real lab environments to perfect what students have learned while also preparing them for the PCA Exam, which is available upon completion of the PCA training.
What’s in the box?
This course introduces the basic fundamentals of Portworx to a beginner with lectures and hands-on labs that can be accessed right in the browser.
What students will learn:
- Fundamentals of Storage on Kubernetes
- Fundamentals of Container Native Storage
- Fundamentals of Portworx Container Storage
Are there any recommended requirements or prerequisites?
- Linux System Administration
- Containers
- Container Orchestration—Kubernetes
Who this course is for:
- System Administrators
- Software Developers
This course goes into advanced concepts about Portworx with lectures and hands-on labs that can be accessed right in the browser.
What students will learn:
- Portworx Systems Administration
- How to Deploy a Container Native Storage Solution on Kubernetes
- How to Deploy StatefulSets on Kubernetes with Persistent Storage
- How to Configure Backups of Volumes on Kubernetes
- How to Setup Disaster Recovery features on Kubernetes
- How to Deploy Logging and Monitoring Solutions for Portworx on Kubernetes
Are there any recommended prerequisites?
- Portworx Fundamentals Course
- Kubernetes Fundamentals
- Kubernetes StatefulSets
- Kubernetes Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
- Kubernetes Storage Classes
Who this course is for:
- Systems Administrators
- Stateful Application Developers
The PCA track has a curriculum covering several sections, including Containers, Container Storage, Kubernetes, Security, Backup, Disaster Recovery, Logging, Monitoring, and more.
Once the course is completed, students will have access to a certification exam that allows them to put their knowledge to the test and certify themselves as a Portworx Certified Admin.
The suggested prerequisites for this exam are the following courses:
- Portworx Fundamentals course
- Portworx Certified Admin course
What does the exam include?
This exam will cover the following topics:
- Failures—Node, Disk, Network
- ETCD & Recovery
- Topology Awareness
- Storage Pool Cache
- Class of Service
- Volume Placement Strategies
- Portworx Security
- Encryption
- Data Integrity
- Portworx Architecture
- Portworx Fundamentals
- Portworx on Kubernetes
- Portworx Design Consideration
- Design, Capacity, and Performance Considerations
- Generating Spec from PX Central
- Deploying Portworx
- Deploying Databases
- Autopilot (Capacity Management)
- Snapshots
- Application Backups
- Migration and Disaster Recovery
- Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting
- System Performance Tuning
- Troubleshooting
- Licenses
- Cloud Credentials
- Backup
The following information applies to this exam:
- There is a two-hour time limit.
- Two attempts are allowed.
- Students have 30 days to retake the exam if they have failed the first attempt.
- Certificate is valid for two years upon receiving a passing grade.
- A passing score of 74% is required.
Portworx Certified Admin (PCA) is a technical education course and certification exam that teaches the core skills needed to run stateful applications on Kubernetes using the Portworx Storage Platform. This training is vital to empower teams to run stateful applications in production properly and help boost cloud native success.
Good luck, and feel free to contact the Portworx Education team for questions, concerns, and feedback!
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