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We’ve written recently about how to speed up jenkins builds so that you can accelerate your CICD pipeline when running Jenkins Docker workloads.  In this post, we will deploy a fault-tolerant Jenkins service using Docker Swarm backed by Portworx volumes. You can view a demo video here: https://youtu.be/tH0Et7iEQ04.

First, let’s get an overview of our setup.


Above, you can see;

  • A Docker Swarm cluster with one manager and three worker nodes
  • Portworx will be installed on the manager (Swarm-manager) and two of the worker nodes (worker-1 and worker-2)
  • A shared, replicated Portworx volume will be used by the Jenkins instances for the jenkins home directory.

Let’s dive right into it and see how we set up our HA Jenkins Docker environment !

Creating a Swarm cluster

On swarm-master:

$ docker swarm init

On worker-1worker-2 and worker-3, use the join command given in output of swarm init command.

docker swarm join --token <token> <swarm-manager-ip>:2377

Check Swarm status.

swarm-master $ docker node ls
olhjma1360dqu6331gh8bwfba    worker-2      Ready   Active        
olmsb9upmzcgk6kusb4iv58fz    worker-3      Ready   Active        
py8sz1oh7yxkj5bnjol1nx5r6 *  swarm-master  Ready   Active        Leader
qzc2i4qtf6iox8rtsi9kq0xq6    worker-1      Ready   Active

Creating a Portworx volume for Jenkins Docker application

Install Portworx on the swarm-managerworker-1 and worker-2. Detailed installation steps can be found here. In this demo, we don’t give any devices to the Portworx node running on Swarm manager.

Create a volume.

$ pxctl volume create --shared --repl 2 --size 4 jenkins_vol
Shared volume successfully created: 554257905897367936

The volume should have it’s data replicated to 2 nodes which can be seen in below output.

$ pxctl volume inspect jenkins_vol
Volume    :  554257905897367936
    Name                :  jenkins_vol
    Size                :  4.0 GiB
    Format              :  ext4
    HA                  :  2
    IO Priority         :  LOW
    Creation time       :  Apr 17 20:41:16 UTC 2017
    Shared              :  yes
    Status              :  up
    State               :  detached
    Reads               :  0
    Reads MS            :  0
    Bytes Read          :  0
    Writes              :  0
    Writes MS           :  0
    Bytes Written       :  0
    IOs in progress     :  0
    Bytes used          :  129 MiB
    Replica sets on nodes:
        Set  0
            Node     :
            Node     :
Create a Swarm service for Jenkins
$ docker service create --name jenkins \
 --publish 8082:8080 \
 --publish 50000:50000 \
 -e JENKINS_OPTS="--prefix=/jenkins" \
 --reserve-memory 300m \
 --mount "type=volume,source=jenkins_vol,target=/var/jenkins_home" \
 --constraint 'node.labels.jenkins_vol == true' \
  • Notice how we mount the jenkins home directory to the Portworx volume
  • We also specify a scheduler constraint which instructs Swarm to schedule Jenkins container only on nodes which have a label for our volume. This will result on Jenkins having local access to volume data leading to great performance.
$ docker service ps jenkins
 ID            NAME       IMAGE           NODE      DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE          ERROR  PORTS
 j7e967ux3n5n  jenkins.1  jenkins:latest  worker-2  Running        Running 2 seconds ago

Observe the node on which Jenkins is running & perform initial Jenkins setup by going to http://<node-ip>:8082/jenkins. Create a test project and run some builds!

Test failover by killing Swarm worker node

Find the worker which is running the Jenkins container and drain it.

swarm-master $ docker node update --availability drain worker-2

Observe that Jenkins will now run on the other worker which has the Portworx volume. This is because of the –constraint we specified while creating the service. Without the constraint, Jenkins could have been scheduled on any other node in the Swarm cluster.

swarm-master $ docker service ps jenkins 
ID            NAME           IMAGE           NODE      DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR  PORTS
4nt0ppc6x81z  jenkins.1      jenkins:latest  worker-1  Running        Running 2 seconds ago          
j7e967ux3n5n   \_ jenkins.1  jenkins:latest  worker-2  Shutdown       Shutdown 3 seconds ago

Access Jenkins on the new worker node and observe that all our data is still intact!

In a production scenario, the Swarm worker nodes can be fronted by a load balancer or a service discovery which directs the Jenkins requests to the node running the container.

Harsh Desai
Member of Technical Staff

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Harsh Desai

Harsh Desai

Portworx | Member of Technical Staff
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