Today, applications run a variety of workloads, on diverse infrastructure and backends. Particularly complex applications are difficult to fully containerize, which limits organizations from fully leveraging the benefits of Kubernetes, such as enhanced operational efficiency, scalability, and high availability. Managing VM-based and containerized workloads without refactoring the application code requires a specialized platform.
KubeVirt has empowered the organization to reevaluate its traditional monolithic architecture applications. They can now seamlessly transition their applications to microservices-based cloud native or hybrid environments without any downtime and leverage Kubernetes features.
Introduction to KubeVirt
What is KubeVirt?
KubeVirt is an open source project that enables virtual machine management on Kubernetes. With KubeVirt, organizations can run traditional VM workloads alongside containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. It extends the Kubernetes API by introducing additional virtualization resources of Kind `VirtualMachine` as CRDs.
For developers learning to love Stateful Apps in Kubernetes, and who have VM-based workloads that can’t be easily containerized, KubeVirt helps migrate VM-based applications to Kubernetes.
The Need for KubeVirt
KubeVirt simplifies operations by supporting VM-based workloads in a Kubernetes environment. Let us understand why this is important.
- Support hybrid environments: KubeVirt allows organizations to build, modify, and deploy workloads on containers and VMs. They can assess which VM-based workloads can be containerized while utilizing the remaining workloads in the same hybrid environment without service disruption.
- Legacy applications migration: If an organization has already invested in VM infrastructure, KubeVirt can preserve them and migrate legacy applications to hybrid cloud solutions. Large deployments like Multi-Tenant WordPress on GKE require a highly available database during migration.
Core Features and Architecture of KubeVirt
Key Features
Let’s look at some of the key features of KubeVirt that make it a suitable choice for many organizations:
- VM Lifecycle Management: KubeVirt provides a declarative API to create, manage, and delete VMs. You can define VM configurations using Kubernetes CRDs, use custom images, and configure cloud-init to customize initial deployment.
- Resource Allocation: KubeVirt uses the Kubernetes resource management system to allocate CPU, memory, and storage resources to VMs, providing the same granular resource management as containers.
- Network Management: KubeVirt supports various network configurations, including bridged networking, NAT, SR-IOV, and Kubernetes networking solutions.
- Storage Management: VMs can use Kubernetes PVs, PVCs, and other supported backends like Portworx and NFS to manage their storage needs, ensuring data persistence.
- GPU Passthrough: Enable VMs to directly access GPU resources from NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel for high-performance computing and graphics-intensive workloads. Also, it supports configurable GPU resource allocation and sharing.
- Live Migration: KubeVirt supports Live Migration of VMs, which helps migrate running VMs between nodes within the cluster without downtime.
These features help address some challenges mentioned in the Real-World Guidance for Stateful Kubernetes webinar while deploying stateful applications on Kubernetes.
KubeVirt extends Kubernetes functionality via CRDs and core components; users interact with KubeVirt through its Virtualization API, which communicates with the Kubernetes cluster to schedule and manage Virtual Machine Instances (VMIs). A VMI is created when a VM starts. For reference, you can understand this as a container in a pod. Each `VirtualMachine` has a single associated `VirtualMachineInstance`. Once a VM stops, the associated VMI is deleted.
This approach allows KubeVirt to delegate critical functions like scheduling, networking, and storage to Kubernetes while focusing on delivering specialized virtualization functionality. Let’s look at the architecture and how each component works together.
virt-operator installs the required components and controllers to work with KubeVirt in Kubernetes. It also helps with rolling updates of KubeVirt’s components and minimizes workload disruption.
virt-controller manages the entire VM lifecycle, from initial power-on through operations like shutdown and reboot to eventual deletion. It orchestrates complex operations such as live migrations, coordinating between source and target nodes to ensure smooth transitions.
virt-handler runs on each node as a DaemonSet, where a VM is scheduled and handles communication between the node and VM. It provides instructions to virt-launcher on launching the VM and the required dependencies. It also sends the telemetry data from VMs to virt-controller.
virt-launcher is a special pod for each VM that contains the actual process that runs the VM using QEMU. It ensures pod isolation and that each VM gets the required resources. Lastly, it updates the VM’s status to the virt-handler.
Setting Up KubeVirt
KubeVirt can be deployed on a local or remote Kubernetes cluster. Let’s check the prerequisites and install KubeVirt on a Kubernetes cluster.
- A Kubernetes cluster with at least 2 CPUs and 4096MB memory.
- kubectl and kubeconfig configured.
Installation Steps
Installing on Minikube
Enable a Container Network Interface (CNI) like Flannel to ensure that Minikube works with VMs that use a masquerade-type network interface. This setup provides a shared network and allows pods to communicate across hosts. We will discuss this in detail in the Networking section. Here are the steps to install KubeVirt.
1. Start a Minikube Cluster.
$ minikube start --profile portworx-kubevirt --memory=4096 --cni=flannel
2. Get the latest release version of KubeVirt.
$ export VERSION=$(curl -s $ echo $VERSION
3. Deploy KubeVirt operator and CRDs.
$ kubectl create -f${VERSION}/kubevirt-operator.yaml
$ kubectl create -f${VERSION}/kubevirt-cr.yaml
To install KubeVirt on cloud computing providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, and AliCloud, follow installation steps 2 and 3.
Verifying Installation
KubeVirt creates a namespace `kubevirt` for all related resource management.
$kubectl get all -n kubevirt NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/virt-api-f47bb7cdb-4l7dq 1/1 Running 0 110s pod/virt-controller-cdbd7fb54-2xrr4 1/1 Running 0 74s pod/virt-controller-cdbd7fb54-zpgfx 1/1 Running 0 74s pod/virt-handler-x6bxz 1/1 Running 0 74s pod/virt-operator-567c586847-5vw28 1/1 Running 0 2m58s pod/virt-operator-567c586847-ghrhz 1/1 Running 0 2m58s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/kubevirt-operator-webhook ClusterIP 443/TCP 112s service/kubevirt-prometheus-metrics ClusterIP None 443/TCP 112s service/virt-api ClusterIP 443/TCP 112s service/virt-exportproxy ClusterIP 443/TCP 112s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR AGE daemonset.apps/virt-handler 1 1 1 1 1 74s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/virt-api 1/1 1 1 110s deployment.apps/virt-controller 2/2 2 2 74s deployment.apps/virt-operator 2/2 2 2 2m58s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/virt-api-f47bb7cdb 1 1 1 110s replicaset.apps/virt-controller-cdbd7fb54 2 2 2 74s replicaset.apps/virt-operator-567c586847 2 2 2 2m58s NAME AGE PHASE 2m15s Deployed
On successful installation of KubeVirt:
- `` phase is `Deployed`.
- Deployment and replica set for `virt-operator`, virt-api and `virt-controller` is created.
- `virt-handler` daemon set is created.
- All pods are running.
Enabling backup of your infrastructure for high availability is always advisable. You can explore Portworx Backup, built for Kubernetes, to protect data anywhere.
Managing Virtual Machines in KubeVirt
While `kubectl` is helpful in deployment, KubeVirt provides a binary called `virtctl` for quick management of virtual machines. Here is a guide to installing it.
Creating and Managing VMs
In this section, we will deep-dive into YAML configuration and use `virtctl` to operate a virtual machine.
Using YAML Configuration
KubeVirt provides `VirtualMachine` resource Kind to create a VM. Let us understand its configurations for VM manifest creation.
- Set `apiVersion` as ``.
- Provide `name` of the VM.
- Define resource utilization limits like memory or CPU.
- Set ‘ spec. running ‘ to false to control the starting of a VM automatically on resource creation. It defaults to true.
- Add persistent or ephemeral storage using `spec.volumes` and `spec.domain.devices.disks`.
For a minimal manifest, you only need to set `apiVersion`, `name`, and `kind`. The rest of the fields help enhance the configuration and benefit from the features of KubeVirt. Here is a VM YAML configuration:
apiVersion: kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: portworx-vm # Name of the VM spec: running: false # VM should not start automatically. template: metadata: labels: small spec: domain: devices: disks: - name: containerdisk # A disk device for the VM resources: requests: memory: 64M # Specifies that the VM requests 64MB of memory. volumes: - name: containerdisk # Volume corresponding to the disk defined above. containerDisk: image: #Container image to be used as the disk, here is a CirrOS demo image.
In this configuration, we have set:
- `spec.running` as false, so the VM will not start automatically.
- `spec.volumes` as `containerDisk`. It is ephemeral storage by KubeVirt.
- `spec.domain.devices.disks` to use the disk mentioned in `spec.volumes`.
For the `containerDisk`, we have set the image as `` which will be used by the storage. We will learn more about this in the Storage section. Portworx provides storage services for Kubernetes environments.
Let us apply the YAML configuration on our Minikube cluster and check its status.
$ kubectl apply -f portworx-vm.yaml created $ kubectl get vms NAME AGE STATUS READY portworx-vm 14s Stopped False
Here you can see the `portworx-vm` resource is created but not running as we have set `spec.running` as false in the configuration. This setting allows developers to shut down instances from inside the VM. Otherwise, KubeVirt will restart it automatically.
Command Line Tools
`virtctl create vm` is used to create a manifest of VirtualMachine Kind.
$ virtctl create vm --name portworx-test-vm apiVersion: kind: VirtualMachine metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: portworx-test-vm spec: runStrategy: Always template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null spec: domain: devices: {} memory: guest: 512Mi resources: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 180 status: {}
This manifest can be directly applied to the cluster to create a VM.
$ virtctl create vm --name portworx-test-vm | kubectl create -f - created $ kubectl get vmis NAME AGE PHASE IP NODENAME READY portworx-test-vm 8s Running portworx-kubevirt True
The `portworx-test-vm` `VirtualMachineInstance` is created and running. This means VM is automatically started on `portworx-kubevirt` Kubernetes cluster using the default configuration provided by `virtctl create vm`.
Operating VMs
VMs can be easily operated using the `virtctl` CLI. Let us check the status of VMs.
$ kubectl get vms NAME AGE STATUS READY portworx-test-vm 8m26s Running True portworx-vm 14s Stopped False
In the above output, `portworx-vm` has `Stopped` status, meaning the VM is not running. Let us check the VMIs:
$ kubectl get vmis NAME AGE PHASE IP NODENAME READY portworx-test-vm 11m Running portworx-kubevirt True
No VMI is running for the `portworx-vm` VM.
- Start a VM: Use `virtctl start` to start a VM.
$ virtctl start portworx-vm VM portworx-vm was scheduled to start $ kubectl get vmis NAME AGE PHASE IP NODENAME READY portworx-test-vm 14m Running portworx-kubevirt True portworx-vm 11s Running portworx-kubevirt True
The `portworx-vm` VM has now started, and a VMI is associated.
- Access the VM: This VM can be accessed using `virtctl console`.
$ virtctl console portworx-vm Successfully connected to portworx-vm console. The escape sequence is ^] login as 'cirros' user. default password: 'gocubsgo'. use 'sudo' for root. cirros login: cirros Password: $ echo "Hello World" Hello World
- Cloning a VM: Some pre-configurations are required to clone a VM. KubeVirt uses Kubernetes feature gates that help manage its features like snapshots or live migration. The `` API Group defines resources for cloning KubeVirt objects and is guarded by the `Snapshot` feature gate. Activate it by adding `Snapshot` to `featureGates`.
$ kubectl edit kubevirt kubevirt -n kubevirt edited
Here is the updated configuration:
spec: certificateRotateStrategy: {} configuration: developerConfiguration: featureGates: - Snapshot
Once done, create a clone configuration using `VirtualMachineClone` Kind with `source` and `target` defined.
kind: VirtualMachineClone apiVersion: "" metadata: name: clonevm spec: # source & target definitions source: apiGroup: kind: VirtualMachine name: portworx-vm target: apiGroup: kind: VirtualMachine name: portworx-vm-clone
Apply on Kubernetes cluster and check the status.
$ kubectl get vms NAME AGE STATUS READY portworx-test-vm 45m Running True portworx-vm 37m Running True portworx-vm-clone 20s Stopped False
KubeVirt creates a clone of the VM, and this is also not running by default. You can start it using `virtctl`.
- Stop VM: Use `virtctl stop` to stop a VM.
$ virtctl stop portworx-vm VM testvm was scheduled to stop
Networking and Storage in KubeVirt
KubeVirt supports defining virtual network interfaces, network policies, cloning, hotplugging network interfaces and volumes, and containerized data importers that help enable PVCs.
To connect a virtual machine to a network, you need to define:
- Backend: Network is specified in `spec.networks`. It supports two types:
- `pod`: the default Kubernetes network, which represents the default pod eth0 interface
- `multus`, a secondary network using Multus.
- Frontend: The interfaces backed by the networks are added to the VM by defining them in `spec.domain.devices.interfaces`. KubeVirt supports the following types of interfaces:
- `masquerade`: Provide internet access to the VMI using Iptables.
- `bridge`: Direct access to the physical network by bridging the VMI’s interface to a physical interface on the node.
- `slirp`: Connects to the network backend using QEMU user networking mode.
- `sriov`: VMs are directly exposed to SR-IOV PCI devices for high network performance.
Here is an example of `portworx-vm` VM that uses the backend as `pod` and the frontend as `masquerade`:
apiVersion: kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: portworx-vm spec: ... spec: domain: devices: disks: - name: containerdisk disk: bus: virtio interfaces: - name: default masquerade: {} resources: requests: memory: 64M networks: - name: default pod: {} volumes: ...
With this, you can control how you connect your VMs to the network.
Network policies help you control the incoming and outgoing VM’s traffic flow. Here is an example of `NetworkPolicy`:
kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: deny-label spec: podSelector: matchLabels: size: small ingress: []
The VMIs labeled `size: small` will deny traffic from all other VMIs.
KubeVirt provides various storage capabilities that help with data persistence in stateful applications or temporary storage for stateless applications. Let’s understand them in detail.
- Ephemeral: KubeVirt has a `containerDisk` feature that allows the distribution of VM disks in the container image registry. `containerDisks` are ephemeral storage devices capable of being assigned to any number of VMIs.
- Persistent: For persistent storage, KubeVirt allows connecting a `PersistentVolumeClaim` to a VM disk. A `PersistentVolume` could be in “filesystem” or “block” mode.
Here is an example of a VM that attaches a PVC as a `disk` device. KubeVirt also supports lun, cdrom, and filesystems disk types.
kind: VirtualMachineInstance spec: domain: resources: requests: memory: 64M devices: disks: - name: portworxpvcdisk # This makes it a disk disk: {} volumes: - name: portworxpvcdisk persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: portworx-pvc
For data migration, use the `DataVolume` custom resource provided by the CDI. DataVolumes simplify importing, cloning, and uploading data to PVCs.
Security in KubeVirt
Security is an important aspect of any virtualization platform, and KubeVirt is no exception. KubeVirt, which brings VMs into Kubernetes, ensures that these VMs are secure by extending Kubernetes native security features, providing additional layers of protection.
Security Features
Role-Based Access Control
KubeVirt authorization is performed using Kubernetes’ RBAC. RBAC allows cluster admins to grant access to resources by binding RBAC roles to users. Admins can grant users targeted access to various KubeVirt features.
It provides three default RBAC ClusterRoles:
- allows one to view all the KubeVirt resources.
- permits users to modify all KubeVirt resources in the cluster.
- grants users full permissions to all KubeVirt resources.
To learn more about Kubernetes Multi-Tenant Authorization and RBAC.
Secure boot
KubeVirt allows secure boot in a VM by changing a flag for Secure Boot in the UEFI/OVMF configuration. It prevents the execution of unauthorized code and protects VMs from low-level threats such as rootkits.
VM encryption
KubeVirt supports running confidential VMs on AMD EPYC hardware with the SEV feature, which allows a VM’s memory to be encrypted on the fly.
To learn more about the Security in KubeVirt read about KubeVirt Security Fundamentals.
Monitoring and Advanced Topics
KubeVirt offers monitoring capabilities through the integration with Prometheus. KubeVirt components expose metrics via the `/metrics` endpoint, which can be accessed to monitor the system’s performance and health.
When we installed KubeVirt on a Kubernetes cluster, it created a `kubevirt-prometheus-metrics` service of the `ClusterIP` type.
$ kubectl get svc -A kubevirt kubevirt-operator-webhook ClusterIP 443/TCP 7h21m kubevirt kubevirt-prometheus-metrics ClusterIP None 443/TCP 7h21m
All the pods that expose metrics, it’s labeled with `` and collected by the service `kubevirt-prometheus-metrics`. These can be viewed by accessing the endpoint on port 8443(default) as shown below:
# curl -k https://:8443/metrics # HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles. # TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 4.0653e-05 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 0.000121122 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 0.000444676 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.000736686 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.001201584 go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0.00645155 go_gc_duration_seconds_count 14
For debugging purposes, you can configure the logging by setting `logVerbosity` for each component of the architecture in the KubeVirt resource, as shown below:
spec: configuration: developerConfiguration: logVerbosity: virtLauncher: 2 virtHandler: 3 virtController: 4 virtOperator: 6
These values are log levels. For more information, check log verbosity.
Advanced Features
KubeVirt has many advanced features that enhance the management of VMs within Kubernetes environments, such as live migrations and IOThreads for high availability and performance tuning.
- Live migrations allow VMIs to be moved across hosts without downtime. This ensures dynamic workload management without disruption of services. The feature gates have not guarded these since the recent version v0.56.To initiate the live migration, create a `VirtualMachineInstanceMigration` resource and define the `spec.vmiName` as the VM name. You can also use the following command for live migration:
virtctl migrate
Please check the limitations before initiating the live migration for a VM.
- IOThreads help enhance the performance of KubeVirt. These are dedicated threads for disk access that improve scalability on SMP systems. The `ioThreadsPolicy` setting determines how these threads are allocated, with options for `shared` or `auto` policies.The shared policy uses one thread for all disks, while the auto policy allocates disks to a pool of IOThreads in a round-robin manner, limited by the number of vCPUs. Disks can also have a `dedicatedIOThread` for heavy I/O workloads. Additionally, KubeVirt can pin IOThreads and emulator threads to specific CPUs to reduce latency and improve performance.
Use Cases and Future of KubeVirt
Use Cases
- Development and Testing Environments: KubeVirt lets you define a VM template to run a VM image specific to your application. This makes testing an application’s compatibility with the machine type easier.
- Running Legacy Applications: Various legacy applications, such as databases or mainframe-based software, have complex architectures or dependencies that can’t be easily modernized into cloud native workloads. KubeVirt helps organizations transition from VMs to containers for legacy applications, reducing operational complexity.
- Kubernetes on Kubernetes: These VMs are not just VMs for applications; these VMs can be used as nodes for Kubernetes, which could be running within those VMs. This is useful for Kubernetes providers, who must provide multitenancy to their customers while maintaining strict isolation among tenants. With KubeVirt, you can create identical VMs across hybrid Kubernetes cloud environments, bringing consistency to large deployments across providers or infrastructures.
- Managing Traditional Workloads: KubeVirt enables organizations to manage traditional VM workloads alongside containerized applications, reducing the need for separate environments. For example, KubeVirt provides virtual desktops and runs applications that mainly rely on direct access to GPUs; this can even be handled with the KubeVirt GPU pass-through and device plugin. Lastly, to provide service, such as IaaS built on top of it, OpenStack VMware could be used.
Future and Community
As KubeVirt evolves, its roadmap highlights several upcoming features and improvements to enhance its functionality and user experience. They’ve listed the roadmap for each category; to learn more, see the KubeVirt Roadmap Wiki. KubeVirt also has an active community where you can learn more about the project and contribute.
KubeVirt facilitates the management of virtual machine (VM) workloads within Kubernetes, enabling organizations to migrate applications without refactoring them into containers. It supports hybrid environments, allowing both VM-based and containerized applications to coexist.
In this blog, we have installed KubeVirt on a Kubernetes cluster and started and cloned virtual machines. We have described key capabilities of KubeVirt, such as networking, storage, security, monitoring, and live migrations, and highlighted its key use cases.