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Portworx is excited to return to KubeCon North America! Data on Kubernetes has matured significantly over the past few years: 97% of organizations using Kubernetes choose to run data-intensive workloads, while 54% run AI/ML workloads. Consequently, data-intensive workloads are a growing focus for the conference this year, with dedicated tracks for both Data Processing + Storage, as well as AI + ML.

At Portworx, we’ve built one of the leading Kubernetes storage and container data management solutions: one that’s built ground-up for automating, protecting, and unifying data for Kubernetes workloads in any on-premises, cloud, or hybrid environment. As you put together your KubeCon plans, we’re sharing where you can find us, and how we can help you manage your data more efficiently with Kubernetes.

Breakout Session – Database DevOps: CD for Stateful Applications

Thursday, November 14, 2024, 11:55am – 12:30pm MST
Grand Ballroom

Enterprises have long treated stateful applications as a major milestone for Kubernetes adoption, but the reality for organizations is that managing persistent data for Kubernetes applications usually has to coexist with CI/CD and DevOps processes. Join Chris Crow from Portworx and Stephen Atwell from Harness.io as they demonstrate how to effectively manage persistent data on Kubernetes AND deliver database changes as part of the CD process. Add this talk to your schedule.

Breakouts and Workshop – Red Hat OpenShift Commons Gathering

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Le Meridien, Salt Lake City

We’ll be present at Red Hat OpenShift Commons in a few ways, sharing how Portworx, Red Hat, and the broader cloud-native community come together to accelerate modernization for applications and virtual machines. If you’re attending Red Hat Open Shift Commons, there’s a few ways to engage with us:

  • Data SIG Deep Dive with Ryan Wallner (Portworx) and Michael St-Jean (Red Hat). Together, we’ll share what you need to know about business continuity, storage, databases, data lakes on Kubernetes.
  • Lightning Talk: Architecting Storage for Modern Applications on OpenShift. In this talk, you’ll learn about external CSI Drivers and container-native storage for OpenShift.
  • Panel: Ensuring Data Protection and Disaster Recovery. Andy Gower from Portworx will join a discussion with like-minded peers on data protection for Kubernetes applications.

Learn more about the KubeCon Red Hat OpenShift Commons Gathering, and sign up to join us.

Workshop – Mastering Data Management for Kubernetes

Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 9am – 4pm MST
Squatters Pub Brewery

Meet like-minded peers, gain real-time, hands-on experience with Portworx for container data management, and have a great time doing it. Our experts will take you through a workshop covering topics like automated capacity management, data protection, performance tuning for Kubernetes storage and data services. Sign up for the workshop directly, or reach out to your nearest Portworx contact! Note: you do *not* have to be a KubeCon registrant to take part in the workshop – please reach out to your Portworx contact for direct enrollement.

Visit us in the solutions showcase

Come by the Portworx booth, and learn how Portworx can help you manage Kubernetes data in nearly any environment. We’ll be showcasing key use cases for Portworx – expanding beyond storage to include data protection, managing VMs, and automated database lifecycle management. And as always, there will be fun giveaways! We’ll share more specifics as we get closer to the conference – meantime, you can reach out directly to your Portworx contacts to make sure you get some dedicated time with our cloud-native experts.

The Roundup: Data on Kubernetes with Portworx at KubeCon

Data on Kubernetes is maturing, and we’re looking forward to sharing best practices and our solutions with you at KubeCon this November. Here’s the summary of how and where we can meet:

  • If you’re still on the fence about attending KubeCon, reach out to your Portworx contact or reach out to us for 20% off your KubeCon pass (this is a limited time offer).
  • Join us at Red Hat OpenShift Commons Gathering on Tuesday, November 12
  • Add the breakout session Database DevOps: CD for Stateful Applications to your schedule (Thursday, November 14, 2024, 11:55am – 12:30pm MST)
  • Sign up for the Portworx workshop Mastering Data Management for Kubernetes. No KubeCon registration required – reach out to your Portworx contact to register directly (Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 9am – 4pm MST)
  • Visit us in the solutions showcase, with more details on presentation and giveaways to come, or reach out if you’d like to schedule dedicated time with our experts.

Looking forward to seeing you in Salt Lake City!

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